Multimodal Active Measurement for Human Mesh Recovery in Close Proximity
(IEEE RA-L2024) [pdf] [code] |
READ: Retrieval-Enhanced Asymmetric Diffusion for Motion Planning
(CVPR2024) [pdf] [code] |
Learning Group Activity Features Through Person Attribute Prediction
(CVPR2024) [pdf] [code] |
Joint Learning of Blind Super-Resolution and Crack Segmentation for
Realistic Degraded Images (IEEE TIM2024) [pdf] [code] |
Active Transfer Learning for Efficient Video-Specific Human Pose Estimation (WACV2024) [pdf] [code] |
Fast Inference and Update of Probabilistic Density Estimation on Trajectory Prediction (ICCV2023) [pdf] [supp] [poster] [code] |
Interaction-aware Joint Attention Estimation Using People Attributes (ICCV2023) [pdf] [supp] [poster] [presentation video] [code] |
Future-guided offline imitation learning for long action sequences via video interpolation and future-trajectory prediction (Neurocomputing2023) [pdf] [code] |
Data-Driven Stochastic Motion Evaluation and Optimization with Image by
Spatially-Aligned Temporal Encoding (ICRA2023) [pdf] [code] |
MotionAug: Augmentation with Physical Correction for Human Motion Prediction (CVPR2022) [pdf] [supp PDF and video] [code] |
Embryo grading from unreliable labels by positive-unlabeled classification with ranking (IEEE TMI2022) [pdf] [code] |
Finger Gesture Spotting and Recognition based on Similarities between Start and End Frames (IEEE TITS2022) [pdf] |
Evaluation of artificial intelligence using time-lapse images of IVF embryos to predict live birth (RBO2021) [pdf] |
Deep Back-Projection Networks For Single Image Super-Resolution (IEEE TPAMI2021) [pdf] [code] |
Space-Time-Aware Multi-Resolution Video Enhancement (CVPR2020) [pdf] [supp pdf] [code] [poster] [Presentation video] [Video results] |
Recurrent Back-Projection Network for Video Super-resolution (CVPR2019) [pdf] [supp pdf] [code] [poster] Honorable Mention Awards in NTIRE 2019 challenge on video super-resolution and video deblurring |
Task-Driven Super Resolution: Object Detection in Low-resolution Images (ICONIP2021) [pdf] |
Deep Back-Projection Networks For Super-Resolution (CVPR2018) [pdf] [supp pdf] [caffe code] [poster] [pytorch code] Winner Award (1st place) in NTIRE 2018 challenge on image super-resolution 1st place in PIRM 2018 challenge on perceptual super-resolution Honorable Mention Award in NTIRE 2019 challenge on image enhancement Runner-up Award in AIM 2019 challenge on extreme super-resolution |
Semi- and Weakly-supervised Human Pose Estimation (CVIU2018) [pdf] |
Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networks for Pose Estimation (CVIU2018) [pdf] |
Tandem equipment arranged
architecture with exhaust heat reuse system for software-defined
data center infrastructure (IEEE TCC2017) |
Detecting Dementia through Interactive Computer Avatars (IEEE JTEHM2017) |
High-order Framewise Smoothness-constrained Globally-optimal Tracking (CVIU2016) [pdf] |
People Re-identification across Non-overlapping Cameras using Group Features (CVIU2016) [pdf] |
Representing mesh-based character animations (CG2014) |
Simultaneous Particle Tracking in Multi-Action Motion Models with Synthesized Paths (IVC2013) [pdf] |
Articulated Pose Estimation with Parts Connectivity using
Discriminative Local Oriented Contours (CVPR2012) [pdf] |
Reference Consistent Reconstruction of 3D Cloth Surface (CVIU2012) [pdf] |
Gaussian Process Motion Graph Models for Smooth
Transitions among Multiple Actions (CVIU2012) [pdf] |
Complex Volume and Pose Tracking with Probabilistic
Dynamical Models and Visual Hull Constraints (ICCV2009) [pdf] [movie] |
Real-time Shape Analysis of a Human Body in Clothing using
Time-series Part-labeled Volumes (ECCV2008) [pdf] [movie] |
Probabilistic-Topological Calibration of Widely
Distributed Camera Networks (MVA2007) [pdf] |
Region Extraction of a Gaze Object using the Gaze Point and View Image Sequences
(ICMI2005) [pdf] |
Real-time Cooperative Multi-target Tracking
by Dense Communication among Active Vision Agents
(IAT2005) [pdf] |
Wearable Virtual Tablet: Fingertip Drawing on a
Portable Plane-Object using an Active-Infrared Camera
(IUI2004) [pdf] |
Real-time Cooperative Multi-target Tracking by
Communicating Active Vision Agents (CVIU2005,AAMAS2002) [pdf] [movie] |