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Feb.13, 2021

Toyota Technological Institute celebrates its 40th anniversary

Toyota Technological Institute marked its 40th anniversary

"Respect the spirit of research and creativity, and always strive to stay ahead of the times."

On January 16, 2021, Toyota Technological Institute marked its 40th anniversary.

Since TTI was established, we have remained true to the founding philosophy "Respect the spirit of research and creativity, and always striving to stay ahead of the times," an inheritance passed on from Sakichi Toyoda who laid the foundations of the Toyota group. To fulfill this philosophy, we have put all our unique efforts into fostering engineers and researchers with rich humanity and creative intelligence, and have committed ourselves to developing advanced research.

Our new campus project was completed in the summer of 2020, and we have reached a new milestone: our 40th anniversary, and now we are even more resolved to foster pioneering intellectuals who have inherited the strong will and passion of our ancestors that contributed to the development of manufacturing; individuals who are determined to challenge themselves in unknown fields, and open up new paths with a global perspective.

The Meaning Behind the Logo

Prof. Kazuo Hotate

The 40th anniversary logo

Three interconnected rings entwined with the number 40 depict TTI's educational policy which emphasizes nurturing in students "a profound understanding of cause and effect." TTI believes this idea is the key foundation in gaining a thorough understanding of course content as well as achieving excellence in creative research.

The three rings represent undergraduate, master's, and doctoral courses, while the dots represent both cause and effect at the same time. Through logical, scholarly exercises, we can see that one effect is also a cause for another, unknown effect, and this idea is reflected in the rings as chains of causes and effects. Repeating this procedure leads to research activities which also require the same processes of understanding and internalization of ideas and facts, through which students steadily gain insight and abilities to contribute to a global society.

A part of the number 4 transforms into an arrow, which can be interpreted as boldly moving forward into the future. As represented with the chains of rings, academic endeavor in study and research is not straightforward and takes a long time. However, just like the bold arrow, the efforts made at TTI firmly guide students into the future, equipping them with deep understanding and creativity along the way.

Message from the President

Prof. Kazuo Hotate

Prof. Kazuo Hotate

TTI was founded in 1981 by Toyota Motor Corporation as a part of its social contribution action plan. Our founding philosophy, an inheritance from Sakichi Toyoda, reads "Respect the spirit of research and creativity, and always strive to stay ahead of the times." At the outset, our institute only accepted working adults, and in 1984 a master's program was established. In 1993, the institute started to accept graduate and undergraduate students with no work experience, then in 1995 the doctoral program was established, and so our entire institute's structure was settled.

In 2003, a graduate school, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC) was established in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. as our sister institute in order to deepen the collaboration on research and educational activities. In Japan, we are part of the inter-university cooperation agreement together with Nanzan University, Aichi University, and Nagoya City University; thus, we have been collaborating with each other for better education and research.

Since the establishment of our institute, while receiving the support from our government, Toyota Motor Corporation, and all related companies involved, we have developed free and broadminded educational and research activities. These campus renovations, too, were implemented with the support from all of these companies. I sincerely appreciate their support and encouragement.

Despite our school being a small-scale university with 100 students in each grade, our student-to-teacher ratio of around 10 makes it possible to conduct more comprehensive education and research. As well as technical training, we offer various education and research schemes such as cross-field basic engineering education, experimental and practical courses, undergraduate and graduate liberal arts education, corporate training, overseas research internships, language study abroad, and cooperation with overseas sister and affiliated universities. With the campus renovations, we have innovated almost all of our facilities, including the education and research buildings, the communication space, the student dormitories, Ti-House: the international exchange house, the Cleanroom, the Creativity Development Center where students embrace the spirit of manufacturing, and more.

It is the 40th anniversary of our university, so we have reached the age of "Fuwaku", meaning a state of "certitude." We have built our new campus on the same land where it was first established, and have decided to operate on the same scale as before. There is no uncertainty or doubt in our decision. Furthermore, we will continue to make efforts to increase the quality of our education and research. In order to acquire deep understanding through study and attain a truly innovative achievement in research, the mindset, "To accept the reason and learn from it," is essential. We will make our various education and research schemes function effectively by sticking to the principle inherently shared by both of these convictions, to "Think actively and logically." This idea leads to the quote "'Learning without thinking is useless; Thinking without learning is dangerous," as expressed in the Analects of Confucius.

Since accomplishments in the field of engineering could bring drastic transformations into our society, every person who takes part in the engineering field must have "a sense of responsibility towards the real and possible future." In order to cultivate this attitude, technical studies are not enough, and this is why our institute also places emphasis on the study of liberal arts. More so, there are many factors that influence our decision making and judgments. Sometimes you have to let your own "conscience" lead you to the final judgment. In other words, you have to endeavor to cultivate your own "conscience." I am 70 years of age this year, which in Japanese, we say "Koki," and also in the Analects of Confucius, it is interpreted as, "You can believe in, listen to and follow your heart and you will reach the right decision without crossing the line." Although I feel I am still far from that point, I always keep this interesting quote from the Analects of Confucius in mind:

Zi gong (a disciple of Confucius) asked:" Is there any one word that could guide a person throughout life?"

The Master replied: "How about 'shu'[reciprocity]: never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself?"

The COVID-19 virus is still widespread. All the faculty, staff and students are committed to our social responsibility in order to prevent any infections. Even though we plan to implement face-to-face classes from the beginning of the new semester, we will nevertheless, continue to have remote classes and prepare ourselves to be flexible and responsive to the changing circumstances of the pandemic.

In the new campus of Toyota Technological Institute, renovated on its 40th anniversary, we will keep pushing forwards with innovative education and research and continue to grow our presence with the proverb 「山椒は小粒でもピリ辛い」-"Small head but great wit."

The President of Toyota Technological Institute
Prof. Kazuo Hotate

Our History - 40 years looking back through pictures

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